How can I invite you to my WordPress install?

If I need to help you debug your site, you can invite me to your WordPress install. Here's how to invite me:

Use a staging server

I would much prefer to use a staging server which is not live for your customers. A staging server is a copy of your website which is not typically available to others on the internet. This means it can be broken without consequences. Whatever is done on a staging site is is controlled, and does not affect your business. Your host or web team should know how to setup a staging server, and using a staging server is best practice for debugging, upgrading and many other WordPress operations, so using them is 100% worthwhile.

Invite me to your WordPress install

Important: Please do not setup an account for us on your WordPress install using our support ticket email address or any other email for us. This will cause a lot of problems with our support software. 

To give us access to your WordPress,

  1. add a new user with Administrator rights,
  2. for the new users email address, use your own email address or any email address related to you
  3. generate a random password for the user
  4. take note of the Username, Password and also the WordPress admin area address
  5. Put this in your existing ticket to us so we can login to your WordPress install

To repeat - do not set us up as a user on your WordPress install using the email address for our support system.

Here's a template of the information we need:

WordPress Admin address:

Hint: WordPress only lets an email be registered once, if you use Google Mail you can add +anything to your email to create unique email addresses - so could use or and still complete the registration.